Sama miałam boleriozę. Nie leczyłam jej antybiotykami tylko prądami oraz czystkiem. Prąd w leczeniu boleriozy stosowałam bez mała 2 lata, ale na tyle skutecznie, że przeciwciała IGG z prawie 80 spadły poniżej 10. Nigdy nie zapomnę jak na drugim roku studiów nagle przestałam chodzić, ból kolan był tak silny, że nie mogłam postawić ani kroku. Trwało to ok. 2 tygodni, do momentu silnej i długotrwałej terapii prądem. Było tak traumatyczne przeżycie, że widząc teraz kleszcza wbitego w moje dzieci zamieram. Nie wspomnę już jak za każdym razem kiedy miałyśmy ja lub siostra kleszcza, moja mama kazała mi się kłaść na podłodze i dotykać brodą do klatki piersiowej sprawdzając czy nie mamy zapalenia opon mózgowych (moim rodzice są leśnikami i pracują w lasach do tej pory, więc mieszkaliśmy w leśniczówkach, stąd mnogość kleszczy). Teraz ja robię to samo, tylko już uświadomiona, dopiero za kilka dni (proces powstawania takiego zapalenia trwa nawet do 2 tygodni).
I live with my family almost in the forest. It is beautiful. We have a large garden, an overgrown old orchard, a place to run on the grass and generally a lot of space for care (sic!). All friends envy us and I knock on my forehead exchanging the cons of such a position. The first of them, directly threatening our health and life (of course, living on a busy route the probability is the same) there are chelas, which are with us a whole bunch. Those who observe my blog know that I have two kids. My son had the first chela at the age of a month, and in total: over 50 (he has 5 years) in his life. From the beginning of april to the end of october, every day we scrupulously search the whole body with a huge flashlight. It’s already a ritual, it happens sometimes twice a day. We check everywhere, especially in the groins, on the neck, behind the ears, in the hair, and in the majority we find it on the hands, legs, under the knees. Chelas find their victims by the smell of sweat, the temperature of the body, the substances secreted by the body. They like heat and humidity, which is why they usually nest in places where heat comes from the body, but this is not the rule. Sometimes we found a chela even on the foot.
I had a boleriosis myself. I did not treat it with antibiotics only with special electricity stream and cistus. I used the electricity in the treatment of boleriosis for almost 2 years, effectively enough that IGG antibodies with almost 80 fell below to 10. I will never forget, as in the second year of studies, I suddenly stopped walking, my knee pain was so strong that I could not take a step. It lasted about 2 weeks, until strong and prolonged elecricity therapy. It was such a traumatic experience that I now perceive the tick fixed on my children. I will not mention how each time we had a chela, me or my sister, my mother told me to lie on the floor and touch my chin raising head. This is method to check if we have meningitis (my parents are foresters and they work in forests so far, so we lived in forester’s lodges, hence a multitude of chelas). Now I am doing the same in a few days after biting (the process of developing such an inflammation lasts up to 2 weeks).
What else to read about the effective methods of chela repelling and what else to use them in everyday practice. My children will not drink either cistus or wormwood. I also have nausea from the cistus to the smell itself. Theoretically, the dose of vitamin B1, which chelas do not like, we get adequate in the food. Every day we drink with our children juices with the addition of garlic – this is probably the most effective method, because so far this year, since we introduced this habit, we had one chela for now, while in previous years at 10 this time of the year 🙂 Chemistry I don’t use, because first of all we would go crazy, sneaking up every time going outside, and secondly I will not poison the children. Sometimes he lubricates them with diluted lavender oil, but as they see me approaching the bottle, Krzys says he prefers not to stumble but to look at the evening. So I suggest oil from rosemary, thyme, tea tree, peppermint eucalyptus … whatever … it can not be persuaded. I’ve tried to put animal flea collars on their feet – it did not help, because we still have a lot of trees and bushes.
In Ayurveda, apart from the essential oils, I have not yet found any other support. I still have a weekly mowing of the yard, so that the grass is as small as possible and everyday observation of children,
If you live in a city and you think that the problem does not apply to you, then I will cite statistics: the majority of people suffering from boleriosis are the inhabitants of big cities and children! Why? because they do not associate the moment of bite, because they think that a chela can be caught only in the forest, while there are plenty of chelas in playgrounds, parks, green areas, allotments and other places where there is always plenty of fresh blood of urban dogs and parks residents (eg squirrels). Watch your children – maybe not like me, twice a day under a magnifying glass, but pay attention to any redness, itching, circles – in a word, anything that can indicate that something is happening in the body. And the chelas are so tiny now that they can only be seen with a trained eye or under a magnifying glass.