Wedle ajurwedy 10 wisni, spożywanych na tydzień przed planowanym czasem menstruacji na pusty żołądek pomoże zredukować syndromy zespołu napięcia przedmiesiączkowego, szczególnie te związane z energią wata (nadmierne łaknienie) i kapha (duża ilość płynów menstruacyjnych, bolesność, skurcze, retencja wody, biała wydzielina).
Zamiast pójść spać – to druga opcja, możliwa, jeśli nie masz tak dużo pracy jak ja i tak małych dzieci, że możesz zrobić wszystko, co masz do zrobienia o normalnej porze. Wysypianie się to skarb. A szczególnie przesypianie okresowych napadów głodu.
I hate this time, probably not only me:) Every time and every month I promise myself that it’s LAST ONCE when I do that. And the next month repeat:( Maybe due to late work, maybe another day with a marathon of tasks to do, or maybe just because of this premenstrual syndrome ???
On the first day of the period, since I can remember, I get the urge to eat everything that is in my way. Well, maybe without exaggeration 🙂 I do not eat what I do not eat every day, but if there are only some sweet snacks I will take it. If it appears within my reach, chocolate on xylitol or stevia will also land in my gut. Basically, all that is to eat on this day should go to the fridge and close on three triggers, because it will fall into my hands. And then the next nasty day of detox 🙂
Why is this happening? Why, despite all my efforts, I can not defeat this willingness to eat, despite my pitta, despite the cold rational approach and what’s the worst thing that I will have to do it physically and emotionally? WHY?
All through these estrogens in large quantities. The level of seratonin falls, and thus our satisfaction, and the good mood fall. Depression, physical and mental weakness are the usual symptoms of a decrease in seratonin. It’s hard to bear me, I really admire my husband and children, that they do not give me any spa tickets for these days …
Well, what does a woman do? You can get sugar, carbohydrates and glucose. A piece of chocolate, sweetness and immediately better. Or maybe a little bit more? Oh, whatever, it does not matter tomorrow I will burn …. A vicious circle – because I will not burn that easily. During these few awful days, a woman can take up to 2 kg of energy alone from food!. Shedding these 2 kg is a few hours of running, so it is worth to put in front of you running a half-marathon at least twice and think whether it’s worth it 🙂
Weight is one, accumulating water in the body and a sense of nagging heaviness is the other. We do not want to move on these days, let’s face it. I also find it difficult to work as an instructor with a belly and cheekbones, and I would rather read a book instead of producing on a mat. It all translates into a damn mental and physical feeling every month. And yet the period is such a human thing that it should not cause any discomfort!
Eating normally and regularly is the best way to be health. If you have „wolf attacksof hunger” eat lettuce with chilli sauce or cucumbers or zucchini … or even cherries. According to Ayurveda, 10 cherries consumed one week before the planned menstruation time on an empty stomach will help to reduce premenstrual syndrome syndrome, especially those associated with energy of vatta (excessive appetite) and kapha (large amount of menstrual fluid, pain, cramps, water retention, white discharge) .
Go to sleep – this is the second option, it is possible if you do not have as much work as I do and so little children that you can do everything you have to do at the normal time. Sleeping is a treasure. Particularly you can miss periodic hunger attacks.
Hug your husband. Yes, this is also a solution that raises the level of seratonin. You can just hug and forget that you have a desire for chocolate. Unfortunately, my husband fell asleep earlier today than children …
Watch some good comedy. Yes, you can also improve your mood without reaching for delicacies.
Look in the MIRROR 🙂 and think: so much to drop and I add new pounds here …
Reach for tea with licorice, fennel or a glass of dry white wine that will help in the fight with these desires.
Do some practical o just dance, play, forget 🙂
I wish you to keep the word about the next period. I will just go to sleep and I will not write anything for you at the time, and thus I will not eat another 1,500 kcal without making sense. I think I work too much: 🙂 🙂