zadowolenie z siebie, również miłość. Sneha jest rodzajem bezpiecznej miłości, charakteryzującym związek matki
z dzieckiem lub męża z żoną. Tak jak dwoje ludzi lgnie do siebie i tuli się
ogrzewając nawzajem, tak tkanka tłuszczowa otula ciało człowieka zapewniając mu
ciepło i otaczając miłosną opieką. Człowiek, którego
tkanka tłuszczowa jest niedostatecznie ukształtowana, cierpi zarówno fizyczne
jak i emocjonalne „zimno”. Taki stan skłania jednostkę do poszukiwania fizycznego
odżywienia dla tkanki tłuszczowej, prowadzącego w skrajnych przypadkach do
nadmiernej obżarstwa w celu akumulacji tłuszczu i otyłości.
I promised to write about what to do to not eat too much.
As always, the basic questions are what gluttony means and what are its causes.
Ayurveda recommends the volume of a healthy meal in the amount of your two joined hands. Little? For me definitely, but it all depends on the digestive capacity of your body. Yes, this is the recommended and the healthiest volume – it’s about getting the stomach filled with digestive juices and not just a pile of food that is difficult to digest at the time. The more you have in your stomach, the harder it is to digest. On the other hand, the more you eat the more your stomach expands – you can experience this after a few days of gastric flu when you find it hard to drink even a whole glass of water without feeling full 🙂 This leads to the situation that the systematically enlarged stomach holds more food than you need. And this situation can be defined as a little degree of gluttony 🙂 I definitely belong to the group of people who just like to eat a lot 🙂
Another form of gluttony is compulsive eating primarily due to:
1. eating while doing some other activity – then it does not reach the brain that you already ate the anticipated portion. Do not even think about eating at the computer, TV or smartphone in hand, because you will not even notice that you ate what was on your plate. And you will surely reach for theanother, and then another one … The same is with THINKING. When you think about eating, savoring, recognizing flavors, let the mind feed too … Especially if vatta is dominant in your constitution.
2. eating when children didn’t eat, or just to not throwing away. I get caught up with it myself. In particular, this applies to people with the pitta and eco-maniacs (as I call myself, too). For a long time I have been simply using 'garbage’: I always manage to put together some veg burgers or cake. Then I do not want to eat anymore, because I know I will not waste it. About the ideas of others here
3. hormone swings, e.g. during the period about which I wrote here
4. thyroid diseases, in particular hyperactivity – if you reject all other options it is worth doing a test for thyroid and pancreas, examine hormone levels and make ugs. Often, a large appetite may be the result of an enlarged pancreas.
5. experienced emotions, especially sadness, disappointment, bitterness due to some failure or lack of love and acceptance – this is probably the most common problem of gluttony. One of the functions of adipose tissue is sneha, literally meaning self-satisfaction, also love. Sneha is a kind of safe love that characterizes the relationship between mother and child or husband and wife. Just as two people cling to each other and hold on warming one another, fat tissue wraps the human body, providing it with warmth and loving care. A man whose fat tissue is underdeveloped suffers both physical and emotional „cold”. This condition leads the individual to search for physical nutrition for adipose tissue, leading in extreme cases to excessive gluttony in order to accumulate fat and obesity.
6. „eating” of stress, overworking – do you know the feeling when you do not know how you passed the last 5 hours withyour computer? my husband has it every day …. and probably millions more people, just as he, overworked, forget about God’s world. The result: a huge dinner and indigestion guaranteed …
7. starving. This is the situation that all students know and live from the 1th to 1th … Unfortunately, young people, busy or devoting time to learn, do not fully understand that you should eat regularly and not allow the body to starve. As a result of a large decrease in sugar level, the gluttony effect is guaranteed!
8. TAMAS: here you will check how it is with your tamas. And here about motivation 🙂 and still recommend the book: # v = q = onepage & gluttony% 20in% 20ayurveda & f = false
On this page you will find tips on how to balance agni so that the gluttony comes as little as possible … 🙂