2. Trądzik oczywiście jest symptomem wysokiego poziomu pitty w organizmie. Stan twojej skóry może pogorszyć nie tylko nadmierne spożycie tłustych, pikantnych, słonych i kwaśnych potraw ale również złość, nienawiść, frustracja, gniew – te emocje, które wpływają bezpośrednio na pracę wątroby a integralnie związane są z pittą.
3. Jeśli jesteś nocnym markiem trądzik może ci towarzyszyć nie tylko w młodości. Skóra potrzebuje odpoczynku w nocy. Macierz komówrkowa musi się wyspać:) Poważnie. Skóra, tak, jak cały twój organizm reaguje na światło, temperaturę, wilgotność, słowem na wszystko, co składa się na rytm dnia i nocy.
4. Stres i niepokój towarzyszące ci każdego dnia wyprowadzają cię z równowagi – niestety dają sietny podkład do tworzenia się ama, co z kolei ma bezpośrednie przełożenie na tworzenie trądziku. Ustaliliśmy już, że temat stresu jest długi i szeroki w każdym kontekście, więc nie ma co więcej tutaj go wałkować. Chcę tylko, żebyś miała świadomość, że stres może być bezpośrednią przyczyną twojego na przykład pięćdziesięcioletniego trądziku młodzieńczego:)
5. Kosmetyki – jeśli używasz ich rozsądnie, są dobrej jakości, organicznego pochodzenia i przyjazne dla twojej skóry jest ok. Ale nadużywanie kosmetyków ma bezpośredni wpływ na skórę twarzy, zatykanie porów i ścieranie delikatnych, naturalnych górnych warstw skóry. Zadaj sobie pytanie czy nie warto zadbać o naturalne piękno, naturalnie promienną skórę podnosząc swój poziom ojas zamiast nakładać kolejne warstwy kosmetycznych upiększaczy? Kosmetyki, oleje i naturalne wspomagacze skóry stosowane są od zarania dziejów, ale pamiętaj, że prawdziwe piękno zawsze pochodzi od środka. Innymi słowy, gdy zbalansowane są wszystkie trzy dosze budujące twoją konstytucję, w ciele nie gromadzą się złogi i toksyny a poziom odżas jest wysoki, skóra będzie naturalnie błyszczeć i tryskać zdrowym wyglądem.
6. Cechuje cię konstytucja pitta z jej naturalnymi tendencjami: słaby wzrok, wrażliwość na światło oraz bardzo wrażliwa skóra podatna na przebarwienia, wypryski, liszaje, pokrzywki i inne dolegliwości. Szczególnie istotne jest to podczas masażu, gdyż bardzo wrażliwa skóra pitty może szybko przejść w stan zapalny jako odpowiedź na podrażnienia wywołane nieodpowiednimi ruchami czy olejem.
7. Zmiany hormonalne, huśtawki w ich wydzielaniu, zarówno w czasie dorastania jak i zwyklej miesiączki czy w okresie ciąży są bardzo „popularną” przyczyną trądziku w różnych jego odmianach. Niezrównoważone hormony wpływają bezpośrednio na pracę gruczołów łojowych, które z kolei wytwarzają więcej sebum. O PMS pisałam tutaj.
8. Wysypki trądzikowe (podobne do trądziku) mogą czasami być spowodowane przez leki, takie, które mogą zmieniać chemię lub hormony organizmu, np. sterydy androgenne albo leki zawierające bromki lub jodki.
9. Trądzik i podobne mu wysypki może być też oznaką nietolerancji pokarmowej lub alergii!
Acne is a skin disease in which excessive production of sebaceous secretions leads to blockage of the hair follicles. This is the most common problem among teenagers, hence it is called yauvanpidika in Ayurveda; yauvan means 'growing up’ and pidika means 'pustules or papules’. Another term is mukhdushika. Mukha means face, and dushika is what destroys the beauty of the face. Acne usually affects the face, back and shoulders and may appear as blackheads, pimples or other unsightly skin lesions.
Basically, acne is the result of a combination of imbalances in all three doshas: Vatta energy imbalance causes digestive impairment and ama accumulation; pitta energy affects the blood and liver, so its imbalance leads to inflammation of these elements; in turn, excess kapha energy, which controls sebum production, causes clogged pores. This mixture of impaired digestion, accumulation of undigested food, inflammation and excessive sebum production creates an ideal environment for the development of bacteria that cause chronic acne, which may look different:
Vatta type: Acne is usually in the form of smaller, dry and painful pimples
Pitta type: acne is more red and often filled with pus
Kapha type: Acne is more cystic
Just as the types of skin are different, so are the types of acne and the different treatments for them.
1. I’ll start with the one that is easier to discuss: acne may appear at the initial stage of cleansing. Various toxins come out of the body during cleansing, causing many side effects of therapy, e.g. fever, alternating diarrhea with constipation, itching, excessive sweating, headache, lack of energy and general fatigue, and acne, pimples. Do not stop the treatment because of it – the effects will disappear on their own when the body is sufficiently cleansed.
2. Acne is obviously a symptom of a high level of pitta in the body. The condition of your skin can be aggravated not only by excessive consumption of fatty, spicy, salty and sour foods, but also by anger, hatred, frustration, anger – those emotions that directly affect liver function and are integrally associated with pitta.
3. If you are a night owl, acne can be with you not only in your youth. The skin needs rest at night. The cellular matrix must sleep well 🙂 Seriously. The skin, just like your whole body, reacts to light, temperature, humidity – everything that makes up the rhythm of day and night.
4. Stress and anxiety that accompany you every day upset you – unfortunately, stress give you a rich foundation to create ama, which in turn has a direct impact on the formation of acne. We have already established that the subject of stress is long and wide in every context, so there is no need to emphasize it here. I just want you to be aware that stress can be a direct cause of your fifty-year-old acne, for example 🙂
5. Cosmetics – if you use them wisely, they are of good quality, organic origin and friendly to your skin is ok. But overuse of cosmetics has a direct effect on the skin of the face, clogging pores and abrasion of delicate, natural upper layers of the skin. Ask yourself whether it is worth taking care of the natural beauty, naturally radiant skin by raising your ojas level instead of applying subsequent layers of cosmetic beautifiers? Cosmetics, oils and natural skin aids have been used since the dawn of time, but remember that true beauty always comes from within. In other words, when all three doshas building your constitution are balanced, the body does not accumulate deposits and toxins and the level of ojas is high, the skin will naturally shine and gush with a healthy appearance.
6. If you are characterized by the pitta constitution – this energy leads to its natural tendencies: poor eyesight, sensitivity to light and very sensitive skin susceptible to discoloration, blemishes, lichen, urticaria and other ailments. This is particularly important during massage, because very sensitive pitta skin can quickly go into inflammation as a response to irritation caused by inappropriate movements or oil.
7. Hormonal changes both during adolescence and normal menstruation or during pregnancy are a very „popular” cause of acne in its various forms. Unbalanced hormones directly affect the work of the sebaceous glands, which in turn produce more sebum. I wrote about PMS here
8. Acne, rashes can sometimes be caused by medicines that can change the body’s chemistry or hormones, such as androgenic steroids or bromide or iodide containing medicines.
9. Acne and related rashes can also be a sign of food intolerance or allergies!
How to handle it:
Because acne is just the body’s response to what is happening inside, using creams, antibiotics and lotions you only masking symptoms. Ayurvedic acne treatment includes a proper diet, lifestyle and some specialized combinations of herbs that help fight the ailment from its original cause. Remember that the type of treatment must also be adapted to the dosha that dominates you, and therefore your metabolism and skin condition. Therefore, depending on the cause and taking into account the different types of skin and acne, treatment should focus on the action of SOS, i.e. rapid fight against symptoms (visible acne on the skin) and action eliminating the immediate deep cause (long-term process – restoring energy balance).
Use the following tips for treatment:
– Enter a pitta balancing diet, avoid spices, fermented, over-salted and acidic foods, deep fried foods, alcohol and stimulants. You can find a pitta diet here.
– use only based on natural ingredients, organic cosmetics in accordance with the Ayurvedic principle, to apply on the skin only what you can eat 🙂
– Remember about a diet high in vitamin C and antioxidants. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, which means that it protects you against the harmful effects of free radicals and thus prevents the formation of acne. In Ayurveda, amla is recommended, but you can drink carrot or beet juice, which contribute to blood purification.
– Make a mixture of powdered coriander seeds, fennel, basil, turmeric and amla in equal parts. All these seeds and herbs are full of antioxidants. Take half a teaspoon of this powder 15 minutes before lunch and dinner (pouring hot water)
– In his book „The Complete Book Of Ayurvedic Home Remedies”, Vasant Lad gives a recipe for a mixture of herbs kutki, guduchi and shatavari: a mixture of equal proportions of these three herbs eat 3 times a day in a quantity of 1/4 teaspoon. After the meal, put the powder on the tongue and drink it.
– You can also rub yourself at night with fresh melon, which has extremely cooling properties, which pacifies the increased pitta dosha while healing and softening the skin.
– In the morning on an empty stomach, eat 1 teaspoon of ghee from ¼ teaspoon of turmeric (regular internal use of turmeric, in the form of a teaspoon dissolved in hot water or milk helps to keep beautiful and radiant skin. It also soothes acne and any changes on the face, as it cleanses the blood and releases harmful toxins under the skin layer).
– Drink a cup of cumin, coriander and fennel infusion an hour after each meal
– Remember to hydrate well throughout the day.
– You can apply a healing paste made from chickpea flour mixed with water to the affected areas and allow it to dry for about 30 minutes before rinsing.
– Do not stick your mouth to the sun – the sun will dry the pimples but will not remove them 🙂
– You must not squeeze acne pimples – this leads to an increase in infection and scarring
– If you run or sweat intensively while exercising, it is not good. Apply aloe compresses to irritated skin.
If your constitution is dominated by vatta and you are fighting acne, remember about:
* proper hydration
* healthy fats in the diet
* hydrating, nutritious food with a predominance of sweet taste (but not chocolate 🙂
* maintaining a daily routine
* oil massages
* Tulsi teas
If your constitution is dominated by pitta and you are fighting acne, remember about:
* soothing and slightly moisturizing the skin instead of peeling or drying it. You can use anti-inflammatory herbal gels, e.g. aloe vera.
* eliminating products that irritate the liver and all those you cannot tolerate
* strengthen the liver by all means possible and introduce a lot of bitter herbs into the diet
* you can also navigate
* using tea tree oil
If your constitution is dominated by kapha and you are fighting acne, remember about:
* eliminating aggravating, mucus-like products such as sugar, dairy or wheat from the diet
* increasing the amount of movement. If you don’t move the lymph, stagnation will occur
* using neem oil